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Mike Eckhardt
Mike Eckhardt
Mike Eckhardt's Blog

BSI’s recent “Trust in AI” survey of more than 10,000 adults from nine countries (including Australia, China, the UK and the U.S.) sheds light on current attitudes toward artificial intelligence.

Construction Input Prices Down 0.9% in September

Funding supports collaboration between businesses, education and training providers

Construction job openings show largest one-month increase on record

On a year-over-year basis, industry employment is up by 238,000 jobs, an increase of 3.0%.

On Aug. 15, the U.S. Department of Defense issued a proposed rule, Assessing Contractor Implementation of Cybersecurity Requirements, which seeks to implement contractual requirements for DOD contracts related to the recently proposed Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification 2.0 Program.

ABC Joins White House Roundtable on Addiction Recovery-Ready Workplaces

Construction input prices increased 0.1% in August compared to the previous month

The construction industry had 248,000 job openings on the last day of July

The construction industry added 34,000 jobs on net in August

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